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Visalia Car Transport

Visalia is the county seat of Tulare County, California. Its population is over 124,000 people making Visalia the fifth largest city in San Joaquin Valley. It is a thriving agricultural center producing grapes, cotton, olives, and citrus. Visalia is quite a common destination for auto transport. If you are planning to move to or from Visalia, consider Visalia car transport services. It will help you avoid overpaying for gas and increasing the mileage of your car. Not to mention, it is much more convenient and you will save a lot of time.

Visalia Car Transport with Bakersfield Car Transport

visalia car transport

Bakersfield Car Transport is your reliable provider of Visalia auto transport services. Our goal is to make our client’s relocation easier and help them save money by shipping their car. With our company vehicle transport is an easy process. All you have to do is pick up and call us. One of our agents will ask you for some information, such as make and model of your car, the preferred pick-up date and what method of shipping you would like to get (in an enclosed or open trailer). The rest is on us! We will schedule and organize the shipping, and all you need to do is just be present at pick-up and delivery locations in the designated time.

Typically it is best to contact us a couple of weeks before the preferred pick-up date but even if you need to ship your car as soon as possible, it is not a problem. For the fastest available pick-up ask for our expedited auto shipping. We always want the delivery to fit into our client’s schedule!

Contact us for free Visalia car shipping quotes. You can find a quote form on our website – just fill it out and we will reach you back. Or you can simply call our office at (661) 371-4553. We will be happy to assist!