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Salvation Army Looking for Holiday Helpers

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Amid the holiday season, many people of the Bakersfield community are working to share the holiday joy. Salvation Army is an organization dedicated to helping those in need and has serviced about 25 million American families through the years. This holiday season the organization is looking for extra hands, so you can help your local community!

With their goal of $155,000, Bakersfield Salvation Army hopes to collect more volunteers to better serve those in need. Giving the gift of your valuable time to help those less fortunate is a great way to give back to the community, and here’s your chance!

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t have the time to volunteer. If you can’t volunteer, you can donate money at 1-800 SALARMY or You can also visit one of the 22 locations for bell ringers in Bakersfield. Of those 22 bell ringers, only about 7 are volunteers, but all members support the cause. This is also the reason the group is looking for more volunteers.

Since fewer people are carrying around cash these days, the Bakersfield Salvation Army is working to adapt to modern times. The group invested in two Dip Jars. These Dip Jars add a card option to some of their locations. The process is simple, you add a preset amount to donate and merely slide your card.
Even though people don’t carry as much cash around anymore, Bakersfield Salvation Army hasn’t cut staff. The group is grateful to provide the extra holiday season jobs every year.

As of this week, the Salvation Army in Bakersfield is down $1500 from last year. Although, with the help of the community and people like you, they hope to reach their goal!

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