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Residents Display White Lights to Encourage to Healthcare Workers

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Residents of Bakersfield are being asked to display white light and white ribbons. This is to display them in their homes, businesses, cars, or even on their bodies. This is to show support for first responders and health care employees.

The encouragement for first responders and health care employees is called “Operation White Lights.”

Residents Doing Their Part for First Responders and More

In fact, as the hospital surge with Corona Virus patients, the city of Bakersfield is partnering with Dignity Health. This is to launch a publicity campaign. They hope will serve as an important inspiration for frontline workers. Especially during this challenging time.

Never taking a moment for themselves, but thinking about others, yet they have been so relentless in their dedication to serve,” Mayor Karen Goh said during a ceremony debuting the campaign last Thursday.

As a community, but we are hoping to offer just a little token of our appreciation by joining together we as a community, we cannot say enough thank you’s.

New Corona Virus Cases Going Up

The California Department of Public Health reported 77.4 new Corona Virus cases per 100,000 people were identified each day in Kern County from December 27 to January 2, this is the latest week of information action now available. In fact, of all the COVID-19 tests returning with positive results were 24 percent, according to the same report.

In fact, the latest wave of illnesses increases as the figures continue to rise. Ken Keller, president, and CEO of Bakersfield Memorial Hospital said more and more COVID-19 patients have continued to show up at local health care facilities.

“We’re all pretty much at our peak. In fact, the situation in the hospitals does continue to be extremely taxing,” he said.

Residents are Donning the White Lights

The community is asking for they support health care workers by exhibiting and/or wearing the white lights.

Symbolic of Optimism

“White light is hope,” he said. “Hopefully, we can get through this pandemic very shortly. It is our wish that we can continue to get this through our partners from the community at large. It is in terms of what we can do in caring for our patients.”

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