A woman stole a police car Sunday evening in Fresno.
At the time of the theft, there was also a suspect in the back seat in handcuffs.
Police believe she the woman was not sober and possibly under the influence of drugs.
Her name was not released, however, police later found her and arrested her. She was taken into Fresno County Jail.
Police are charging her for theft and kidnapping.
Here’s what happened before police found her and arrested her.
At first, Fresno Police were dealing with another suspect.
Around 7 P.M. a man who was in a used car lot contacted police for a vandalism attack on his car. A woman had scratched up his car and ran off.
When police located the woman that scratched up his vehicle, they took her back to the lot for questioning while the man was also there.
Police and the man and the suspect were then interrupted by the kidnapper. She started to go through the other suspect’s purse, claiming that she is the suspect’s friend and she will take the purse home with her.
However, the suspect in the police car said she did not know who this woman is. So, police asked her to get out of the lot.
She left then came back later on. When police were talking to the victim, she got into the cops’ car with the suspect in the back seat and took off.
The police officers went after her until she ended up crashing into a utility pole on Glenn Avenue.
There were no injuries, but the woman was arrested for committing theft of an officer’s car and kidnapping a suspect.