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New Round Trip Train Ride Between Bakersfield And Oakland

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A new, seventh round trip train ride between Bakersfield and Oakland going through Fresno is now available to the riders. Amtrak has expanded the service along the route for the first time in 14 years.

trainThe passengers now can get on a train to Oakland in the morning and go back south in the afternoon.

The goal of the expansion is to give the Bay Area and San Joaquin Valley’s residents convenient scheduling options so they could use public transportation for work and leisure trips on a daily basis. Another daily round trip available will make commuting between areas faster, easier and less of a hassle.

Another reason to take public transportation is a promotion that will be available for a whole year offering five additional tickets half-price when you are buying a single ticket.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. john

    wow! this is a great news cause i actually gt through this route every Friday but the stress makes it like hell glad to hear this.
    and also about the fee and and the half price promo

  2. john

    this really show they care about the passengers and also about their well being

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