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Keep You and Your Children Safe on Halloween with These Tips

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Halloween is full of activities and fun for children and for adults as well. Children are dressing up as famous cartoon characters or movie stars and go trick-or-treating around the near areas. Adults are celebrating it in restaurants, bars or pubs, having parties with drinks and everything.

We offer some safety tips that must be considered during the Halloween Day, as the safety of you and your children is the most important thing.

So, let’s start with the driving issue because it is the most disturbing and dangerous problem. You must avoid driving through areas where the celebration is likely happening. A lot of children will be running around, keep children’s safety and prevent tragic results. Slowing down is also a requirement as this night is full of heavy foot traffic, you need to be extra attentive.

If you are a parent, you need to plan the destinations where you are headed to, as the traffic is going to be tough. Also, along with that, try to dress your children visible and bright costumes so it will be easier for other drivers to see. You can even use retro-reflective tape to make the costume more visible. Here is another problem, some of the kids may be hard to see on the streets, so slow down and pay attention to every little action.

Don’t Rely on the Halloween Lights

Another option for children and adults carry a flashlight while trick-or-treating. It will be safer for you on both the streets and sidewalks, where tens of people are going to walk today.

Some Fire Protection Tips from the National Fire Protection Association:

  • Choose a costume with a material which won’t be easily ignited when having a contact with flame.
  • Decorations that are easily flammable are dangerous such as cornstalks or dried flowers. Make them be away from a place of fire or heaters.
  • Use battery-operated candles instead of the real ones with fire. But if you, however, want to use fire candle, please, keep every each of them well-watched and keep you and your children safe from accidents. Pay extra attention to children while being near a lit candle.
  • Remember to keep clear all the exits, (don’t put decoration that will block the way out)

Stay safe and have a good Bakersfield Halloween Evening!

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