SACRAMENTO, California — Wednesday afternoon, Paramount Collegiate Academy in Sacramento shut down abruptly, sending dozens of students and staff scrambling from not knowing what to do next. The sudden closure of the California school left many students and parents scrambling for answers.
Students said they received a letter moment before dismissal, outlining the fate of the 6th- through 12th-grade charter school known for its science and technology curriculum.
The letter cited low enrollment, plus facility and financial challenges. The board of directors met Wednesday afternoon and voted unanimously to close the academy. Hours after their meeting, the school went dark — along with its website.
Why Did the California School Shut Down?
Frustrated families came to the school after the closure to get answers. They came from cities all over the state to try and get some answers. However, they met with resistance from school leaders to answer any of their questions.
“No answer the phone, no answer, nothing,” parent Aida Cardenas said.
“I’m actually kind of surprised because it’s the first time I’d seen a school get shut down,” said Giovanni Cardenas, who was a student at the school for three years.
Halfway through the school year, parents have to scramble to re-enroll their children elsewhere.
“You can’t decide in a day to close a school,” parent Yared Negussie said. “I’m upset, I’m confused. I’m not sure where she’s going to go next.”
The office will operate temporarily through the end of the month, opening Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The school said it will help with student transfers. It will operate from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. After all, report cards are going out next week. This is an important time for the students, so the school will do what it can to soften the blow of its sudden, strange closure.