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Board of Supervisors Allows Public Back Into Meetings

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The County Board of Supervisors is planning to allow in-person attendance at its next meeting for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Public participation in government meetings is requiring by the Ralph M. Brown Act. That is if it’s under normal circumstances. But, in this case, it wasn’t so because of the state suspending those requirements due to COVID-19.

Board of Supervisors Limiting Live Participants to Attend Meetings

The supervisors are planning to allow a limited number of live participants as the Corona Virus spread has diminished in Kern County. This is before allowing a full-in person attendance if California’s Emperor-in-Charge (aka disgracing recall “science” Proponent) Gavin Newsom lifts the stay-at-home order on June 15 as he had previously said he would.

Coordinating with the City is Key to More Live Participants Joining Meetings

“We need to do it in coordination with our local public health officials. Moreover, we will watch the numbers. Then, coordinate with the state’s directives,” said Kern County Chief Administrative Officer Ryan Alsop. “That, in fact, is where most counties are. Though, it is encouraging things are looking more positive. In fact, we are looking forward to having and seeing more people join us for these Tuesday meetings in the room.”

County Board of Supervisors: Live Call-Ins, Voicemails and Emails

Supervisors are getting public comments through live call-ins, voicemails, and emails. Moreover, large demonstrations that are sometimes seen at the meetings have been going on over the last 14 months.

With the Board Chambers to open to full capacity when the governor lifts the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. In fact, just under 65 people were allowing on Tuesday.

Limited In-Person Participation

The Bakersfield City Council has allowed limited in-person participation at its meetings. This has occurred through much of the pandemic. Even though, June 15 is approaching, the city does not have a firm plan in place to reopen its meetings fully to the public.

“For public meetings in California, there has been no specific guidance given for public meetings. Except save for the relaxing of some Brown Act requirements. Therefore, the city has used guidance from the health departments. Moreover, CDC is keeping our meetings as open as possible while also working to limit the potential spread of the virus,” city spokesman Joe Conroy said.

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