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Be Prepared for Spring Driving!

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Avoid sun glare by keeping sunglasses accessible!
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In one week, we officially enter the spring season of 2024. With this seasonal change, we bring forth many other changes that we have to adjust to once again. One of the biggest places for adjustment is in our driving, as we have to get acclimated to the time change that daylight saving time brings and the way it affects our roads. In many ways the seasonal change is a good thing, as it brings us better weather and more sunny days, but it also can cause issues on the road. Make sure you are ready for any potential issues by following our spring driving guide!

Spring is still a rainy season, prepare for slick roads.

Winter and spring are California’s rainiest seasons. After the heavy rain seen these past few winter months, we can expect to possibly see a rainy spring. Make sure you are ready for slick roads by checking your tires are in good condition. If you find yourself driving in the rain, make sure you drive carefully, allowing plenty of stopping space.

Expect spring to bring on the potholes.

Potholes are typically formed and/or worsened in winter. This means they are usually all over the streets and freeways in spring, so be sure to be extra attentive to them. When approaching one, drive a bit slower and cautiously around it, if possible. If you cannot go around it, go over it slowly so as to prevent damage as much as possible.

Be prepared to share the road with any and everything.

Spring brings forth more activity in general. People are out and about more, construction happens more often, motorcyclists go for more frequent rides, etc. Always be ready to share the road with any of the above. Additionally, many animals are awakening from hibernation and/or simply becoming more active. They often will carelessly cross the street, so lookout for rogue animals!

Fight against sun glare.

Anyone who has ever driven before knows how distracting and damaging the reflection of the sun can be. This sun glare is especially prominent in spring as the sun is present at different times. Sunrise and sunset are especially bad, so we suggest avoiding driving at these times if possible. If that is unavoidable, be sure to keep a pair of sunglasses nearby!

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